Independently of your musical genere or taste the idea is that people share their compositions, artwork with the world. The idea started as a musical one, but a lot of diverse art forms were produced during the lockdown, such as: photography, painting, poems, literature, theatre, dance, sketches and more. Sharing your artwork and telling a bit about yourself or why, how and under which conditions you composed or created your own artwork its something worth sharing.

WHO AND WHAT TO SEND? You don’t have to be a expert, any age any gender are welcome, it doesn´t have be the most professional recording or HD audio or video, your heart, soul and the story behind it will enhance it more. It could be pictures, music, videos of any dance expression, poems, thoughts, drawings.

MOTIVE OR GOAL? Worldwide this situation was not one easy to get by. Learning how each country dealt with the pandemia and used art as a treatment could encourage others to the same. Capturing this difficult moment of human life expressed through art is worth it, this could motivate others to do the same. This could also turn into a meeting point for many artists around the world who are doing the same.

How can you share your share art work with the world? You can send us links from videos in youtube or VIMEO, Soundcloud, or any other platform of your preference, also pictures in JPEG format. A picture of yourself and your lockdown surrounding would be nice but its not a must.

PROTECTING YOUR ART WORK. If you feel unsafe sharing your artwork, in most online audio distribution platforms you have the possibility to set in a way that the song can´t be downloaded, you can also upload excerpts of songs or a full song in low definition. Your artwork is yours and yours alone, we have no intention of using it for any other matters.

Send us your art samples to: