Coronavirus has affected in a mean way the personal economy of millions of people around the world, all professions and occupations, in our case the artists world was also hit hard.

Artists of all kinds and all nationalities have had to improvise ways to retain a connection to audiences, students, keep the spirits up, improvise, stay afloat and mostly being able to still pay the bills.  We have gathered a series of information and useful videos that could help fellow musicians getting new ideas and reinveting themselves during these hard times of improvistation and hope.


Coronavirus blues: the musicians struggling to make ends meet under lockdown

Musician Willy Wagner is suffering with the blues. Living in his wood cabin near Frankfurt, like many performers, the coronavirus has severely hit the bass player’s pocket. Usually supporting the likes of Ringo Starr, The Fugees and Brian Adams, COVID-19 has turned this year’s music calendar on its head.